“I get by with a little help from my friends”

What We Do

Sutherland Care Forum is here to help a wide variety of people in East Sutherland whose needs are not being met by statutory authorities.

What we can do for you


Through our free and confidential befriending service , Friends at Home, we aim to help people of all ages who are isolated by disability or health issues to feel part of their communities. 
We can match you with a volunteer friend   who can call to visit you, take out out for a coffee or to the shops and in same cases are able to take you to hospital or other appointments where you have difficulty with transport or need someone to go with you. We also provide a telephone call service for those who do not wish to have visits,  Our calls and visits .can make all the difference to a lonely person who may not see anyone for days on end..  Carers also benefit through the respite gained during such activities and family members who live further afield are reassured that their loved one is being seen on a regular basis. Through out network of various other organisations we are able to make referrals on behalf of our clients where we feel other support would be beneficial to our clients,  Our aim is to enable our clients to remain safely in their own homes for as long as is practical for them.


Sutherland Care Forum (SCF) is a Registered Charity (Charity No. SC042741) established in 2011 to support and represent service users and unpaid carers with wide variety of needs.